Saturday, October 26, 2013

Health and Safety Survey

Many public spaces, like hockey arenas, are equipped with defibrillators (a device that delivers a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to the heart during cardiac dysrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation and rapid heartbeat). It has been suggested that our church building ought to be equipped with a defibrillator. Parish Council is currently discussing the matter.

The purpose of the survey last week was to find out how many people, on any given Sunday, have up-to-date first aid training; CPR training; or who might like to receive the training if a session was offered.

It is not uncommon for churches to keep defibrillators on site. But we recognized that church buildings are not used as often as hockey rinks or other public spaces. Some advice we received suggest that if we have a certain number of trained people on site we wouldn’t need a defibrillator. Also, if there is at least one person capable of dialing 911 we should be okay (in the city). The faster we are able to help someone the better are their chances for recovery.

The results are:
First Aid Training: 9
Up to Date First Aid: 3
CPR Training: 10
Up to Date CPR: 3
Interested in Training: 24

Thank you for filling out the survey. Don’t worry if you weren’t here last week to fill it out, the point was to get an idea of how many people in attendance, at a randomly selected time, had training.³

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