I can’t quite figure this one out, but it seems that an awful lot of Christians get offended if you dare to wish them, “Happy Holidays.’ It seems as though we’re supposed to say, “Merry Christmas.” Perhaps they imagine that there is some sort of conspiracy that says we’re not allowed to wish people a Merry Christmas.
Well Christian—Get A Grip!
Do you really think that Jesus died so that you’d be free to wish people a Merry Christmas?
We are far too easily offended and it’s time for us to get a grip on the Mission that we’ve been called to as a people who dare to follow Jesus, the Christ.
I imagine that what offends Jesus is poverty, starvation, war, prejudice, hatred, selfishness and things like that.
The war on Christianity is waged from within—we have given voice to those who choose hatred in the guise of Christianity—and it’s time we reclaimed the message of love at the heart of our faith.
Until we are truly offended by poverty, starvation, war, prejudice, hatred and selfishness and begin to work to end these things don’t expect a merry-Christmas-greeting from me. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays will be my quiet little protest against the carelessness that creeps so easily into our Christian faith.
And if this offends you—tough—good—I’m glad. Now’s the time to be the Missional Church we are called to be—living as Christ did, not for ourselves, but for the world.