Friday, December 6, 2019

A Slice of Apple Peace

We tend to think of peace as the absence of war or violence. Ending war and violence are worthy goals, without a doubt. However, there’s also nothing wrong with setting our sights on that peace that comes from God. A peace the world cannot give. I wonder what that would be like. I wonder: what is the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding?

Perhaps there is some hint in a phrase that is found 365 times in the Bible, “be not afraid.” I didn’t count the times, someone else did.

With life there is pain and suffering. That much seems inevitable. Fear, however, doesn’t need to be inevitable. Amidst the sorrows and joys of life God promises to be present with us. That is something to be thankful for… God’s ever faithful presence with us. That’s the apple core message of Christmas, God-with-us, Emmanuel. The first words from the angels, be not afraid for God is with you!

Frankly, knowing this and believing it doesn’t seem to keep the fear away, yet even in my fear, knowing that God is present, helps. There is no sacrifice (or honour, for that matter) that I face alone.

Somehow, far beyond my comprehension, I am at the center of God’s universe, and so are you. There’s no escape from God’s abiding love.

I learned this week that in the Chinees language the words for “apple” and “peace” sound a lot alike. They are close enough to being homophones that the apple is often used as a symbol for peace.

In some Christian Churches, that are predominantly Chinese, apples are given to people on Christmas Eve. The connection to Jesus Christ is clear enough, he is the called, The Prince of Peace. I think that’s a pretty awesome tradition.

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