Wednesday, December 18, 2019

“They get it, and now…”

That was an impressive pageant put on by the Youth Group last Sunday. It was a lesson in generosity. Each character had a certain responsibility to take care of—for the pageant, from building an awesome set to corralling animal. Each one failed because they were too busy: too busy visiting lonely relatives sharing what they had with those less fortunate. Too busy helping others rather than pulling off a Christmas pageant.

Essentially, they were too busy doing the will of God rather than just saying they would. Jesus tells a parable about the same thing in Matthew 21:28-32. It’s the one about the two sons who are asked to work in the vineyard: one says he will but doesn’t; the other says he won’t but does. Which one does the father’s will?

They get it, and now we should.

It’s like the lie that goes around every Christmas, that there is some sort of war against Christmas. There isn’t a war against Christmas and there never was. “Happy Holidays,” used to be a pleasant greeting. My parents received hundreds of Christmas cards over the years wishing them, “Happy Holidays.” It was once a nice thing to say to people, but now some people are offended because they believe the lie about the war on Christmas.
Please, let’s just rise above it and try and get along and stop being offended by nonexistent conspiracies or even well-intentioned wishes. Please, let’s rise above it and set our hearts and minds on doing the will of God, rather than getting all bent out of shape because of those distractions.

The generosity of St. Paul’s parishioners has helped many families this week through our Outreach. Our Outreach, by the way, is all year. It’s not just at Christmas time and that’s due to your generosity. Your generosity, through the PWRDF helps hundreds, and I mean hundreds, of families in some of the poorest parts of the world receive an opportunity for a brighter, more secure future. Your generosity helps you reach out to your neighbours in times of hardship. You are doing God’s will, and you get it too.

The members of the Youth Group “get it” because they are smart and have big hearts, but they also “get it” because they see the adults around them doing it.

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