Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Where are the headlines now?

It was devastating news last summer when we learnt that the General Synod did not pass a motion that would have allowed for the performance of same-sex marriages in the Church.  However, General Synod did agree to a motion prior to the vote that allowed for something that came to be known as local option. That meant that a Diocese could opt to perform  same-sex marriages without the fear of being “out-of-communion” with its fellow Anglican Dioceses.

The failure of the General Synod to approve the changes to the marriage Canon garnered headlines across the country. I was interviewed by both CBC radio and TV as was my brother in Nova Scotia. Despite the early indication that our bishop, Archbishop Ron Cutler, would likely choose the local option the headlines were still about the failure of the motion.

Archbishop Cutler has allowed for the local option and parishes that want to perform same-sex marriages can seek his permission. Our Parish Council discussed it and voted to seek the Archbishop’s permission. And that permission has been received. St. Paul’s Parish, now in its 251st year can bless same-sex marriages. Which is why I ask the question, “Where are the headlines now?”

I don’t expect that there will be line ups outside my office door of people seeking same-sex marriage in our Parish. But it is good news to know that we can do it. We can make the claim that, in this regard, we are inclusive, welcoming and just.

I understand the importance of radio and TV ratings; I understand demographics and target markets; I understand that when the Church does things that are inclusive, welcoming and just it’s not headline grabbing.

That means that it is up to us to get the good news out there, to let people (friends, family, strangers) know that St. Paul’s Parish is not like every other church… we strive, in every way we can think of, to be inclusive, welcoming and just.

Oh sure, sometimes we fail - perhaps more often than we like to admit - but each day we get up, brush off our failure and the failures of the wider Church community and we try again. o

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