Friday, March 20, 2020

This Week

I hope and pray daily for you, that all of you are keeping well, especially in these times of maintaining the required social distancing. Those of you who are in isolation for two weeks, my prayers are with you too.  Dr. Morrison sobering statistics that if we didn’t do these things the number of deaths on PEI could be 3,000. There is no way, if that happened, any Island would not know at least one of those people. Social distancing and self isolation are necessary steps and as difficult as it is we are engaged in good works.

We will not gather for public worship this Sunday. There will be, I hope, a morning prayer service conducted online at 10:00 a.m. I say “I hope” because things could change by Sunday or the technology could play tricks on us. In any event, we will endeavour to put something online Sunday morning, on both Facebook and YouTube.

Our YouTube Chanel (subscribe for notifications)

We are also publishing short vignettes on our Facebook Page. Please check them out.

The Parish Office remains closed, for the time being, to the general public. In the meantime, I am available if you want to talk. Perhaps the best way to contact me is to send an email and we can arrange a time (

Archbishop Linda Nicholls invites Anglicans across Canada to join her in a national day of prayer on Sunday, March 29. A prayer service will be held that evening on The Anglican Church of Canada Facebook page at 7pm EDT. @canadiananglican

Thank you,
Archdeacon John Clarke


St. Paul’s Anglican Church
101 Prince Street
Charlottetown PE
C1A 4R5

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