Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Every Morning

One of the great hymns of our tradition is called, “New Every Morning.” The first verse says,
New every morning is the love
our wakening and uprising prove;
through sleep and darkness safely brought,
restored to life and power and thought.

Normally, it is sung in the morning. It is quite beautiful too. It is a song of thanksgiving and hope. It is a song of refreshment. It is based on a quote from Lamentations 2: 22-23,  

Although the hymn is obviously set in the morning (ante meridiem) the thought can be applied to any time of day or year. And it is particularly poignant at Easter. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the new thing God does for us and the whole of creation. Sure, it may have happened 2,000 years ago, but it is new this day, this hour, this minute. The resurrection is not about what God did (past tense) it is about what God does (present tense). And what God does for us is this; God fills every moment with steadfast love, mercy and faithfulness.

Every moment we are restored (the Church that is) with life, power and thought by God’s love and Holy Spirit. Together we are called to show that same steadfast love, mercy and faithfulness by what we say and do in the world.

It is my hope that this Easter and every day we are inspired by the love that is new every morning, the love that restores. It is a love that is freely offered, it is a salvation that is freely given. Can I hear an Amen?

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