Thursday, April 7, 2016

Be A Star – Adopt a StarBox


Believe it or not! There are people who go to Boxing Day sales to buy presents for the next Christmas. Now that’s being a star! Today, we have an opportunity to Be A Star and adopt a StarBox!

For decades St. Paul’s Parish has provided a hamper & gift outreach program at Christmas. It is an opportunity to spread our joy for the birth of the Christ-child with others. Last Christmas we had good success with the new StarBoxes which were given out with the food boxes. The StarBox is a box filled with a standard set of simple, personal necessities such as toothpaste, shampoo, mittens, snacks, and children’s books.

This year the proposal is that, instead of cramming the work of assembling the boxes into a few weeks in December, we are being offered the chance to ‘Adopt-a-Star-Box’ ahead of time. This way we can stretch the collecting of items over a more manageable (and affordable) time period. Kind of like shopping for next Christmas on Boxing Day.

The idea is that we can volunteer to put a StarBox together, now. It can be for a single person, a couple or a family with children. Every month we can buy an item or two, so that when early December arrives we can bring the completed StarBox to the Parish hall for distribution.

Naturally, we will be asked to register by completing a simple form, and by getting a month-to-month guide which can be easily followed.  Carolyn Dawe-Jenkins has designed this system, and the forms and calendars are available at the church or we can ask her to email the information. Participating in Christmas Outreach from St. Paul’s Parish is an excellent way to help give people and families an enjoyable Christmas and in a practical way. You too can Be A Star!

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